I'm Obsessed.

Sunday, March 30, 2014
Somehow, the TPT Fairy keeps coming and taking money from my bank account.  There are sooooooo many amazing things on there, and don't get me started on all of the awesome finds I can use in the classroom with my littles.  I keep getting lost in clip art and fonts I want to use.  I may or may not dream about making worksheets.  This is bad, people.

Anyways, yesterday there were several "Spring Cleaning" sales, of which I fully took advantage.  I even made some Halloween and Christmas purchases.  I can't even explain that.  BUT!  This means I will be making so many amazing new products!  I recently reached over 50 downloads of my St. Patrick's Day freebie, and I was beyond excited!  I'm so excited for this new beginning.  :)

Check out some of my faves:

Backgrounds and Frames

Clip Art
Check out the amazing products from my friend Kristen!
Happy Teaching!


Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Friday, March 14, 2014
In honor of one of my very favorite holidays, I have decided to share an activity that I have done in with my students for years as a freebie on Teachers Pay Teachers!

Becoming Irish for a day is easy! This can be done simply by adding a little something special to your last name! Included in this activity are "Hello, my name is..." name badges and shamrock name necklaces. Kids love it!  You can download the activity here.


Is anyone else as excited for St. Patrick's Day as I am???  (Anyone?  Bueller?)

Thank you for checking out my first product and...

Happy Teaching!


My very first blog post! :)

Saturday, March 1, 2014
Hello, world!

Welcome to my very first blog post.  Since I don't have anything terribly exciting to share with all of you this evening, I thought I would start with something short and sweet.  While I love reading teaching blogs to find out teaching-related things, I also think it's fun to read about the teachers behind the blogs, and it's always interesting to learn that they are REAL PEOPLE, just like me. (Who knew?)

One of my favorite things to read are the "Currently" posts that have been going around for quite a while.  I thought I would jump on the bandwagon and do one of my own.  This one came from the lovely Farley over at Oh' Boy 4th Grade! Here are my "currentlies" (currentlys? wow...) for the month of March! 


1. Listening: It's raining!  I'm so in love with days like this.  It rained on Thursday and Friday last week, and I was so tempted to call in sick, with a made-up illness that can only be cured by reading books all day in my cozy bed.  If you know of a legit illness with that cure, please let me know.

2. Loving: March!  I love this month so much, and St. Patrick's Day is one of my favorite holidays.  I could eat Lucky Charms all day long.  I've read all of Frank and Malachy McCourt's books (they're AMAZING).  I actually like Riverdance.  And whenever I read St. Patty's Day books to my class, I really wish I could pull off an Irish accent. 

3. Thinking: Ok, for real.  I loved The Sound of Music (the movie version with Julie Andrews and the super handsome Christopher Plummer) as a kid.  I watched it literally every day after school one year...to the point where my mom refuses to watch it now.  I haven't actually seen it in years, but I am haunted (blessed?) by the songs every now and then.  This particular one isn't even my favorite of the bunch, but it was in my dreams last night.  Sadly, Christopher Plummer was absent from them...

4. Wanting: A Mini Cooper.  Enough said.  When I do get one, I will be jealous of myself. 

5. Needing:  To brush up on my bloggin' skills!  I had a blog many, many years ago, and I've decided to become more active in the online teaching community.  This will eventually include sharing classroom pictures, lessons, worksheets, and all the other fabulous goodies I could spend hours staring at all day.  Which I may or may not do.

6. ????????:  This one is fun!  Kinda like Jeopardy.  I come up with my own question and keep it super top secret in my head.  Then I give you the answer, and your mission is to guess the question!

I hope you're enjoying your weekend, and thank you so much for reading my very first blog post.  Check out my About Me section, too! 

Happy Teaching!